Benefits of exercise in Pregnancy

You might be amazed by seeing the Title and confused that, Is That True?

So, yes here I am going to tell you the fact which many people avoid and faces an issue during the delivery. 
Babies are good, right?
Everything thinks of having a child.
They also want a healthy baby and mother.
Yes, you can make all the things true. 
Now the big question comes to your mind How?
Exercise : You all will be knowing the benefits of exercise if not, then you will be going to get to know about that till the end. 
According to DC Dutta book, During a Pregnancy, you need to strengthen the muscles of pelvis. Pelvis is the bone which forms the hip joint and all the muscles and ligaments attach to it support the mother uterus to keep the baby in a small cave of mother.

 According to Madhuri, exercise also improves your blood supply and prevents you from the urinary incontinence and post prolapse.

Strength of the muscle also helps in pushing the baby effectively during the delivery. 

It helps in improving the quality of your life by improving the all the system of the body like cardiovascular, renal, circulation, pulmonary etc. 

There are different exercise regimens for prenatal, antenatal and postnatal pregnancy. 

P/S : Never go for the exercise without a proper consultant of Physiotherapy specialist in Gynecology because exercise protocol varies from person to person.
